So I left off when my mom got to the hospital around 5:30. But first a few pictures from the 1st evening and morning...
Here I am just hanging out before things started hurting!
Daddy's side of the room. Our room was HUGE...(Side story: when I was in triage watching my BP, our nurse was about to switch over to the charge nurse for the evening. Once they decided to admit me and took me to my room she came in and told us since she liked us so much, she gave us the biggest room on the ward! It was so nice and I was thankful to have such a wonderful experience)
Waiting on Baby B!! It was so neat looking at this and knowing in a short period of time our little one would be laying in there!
Babies heartbeat...
Contractions over night...they weren't really regular yet!
Ok so back where I stopped yesterday...
When she got there Brian went down to get something to eat and brought them coffee back up to the room.
We were just chatting and waiting on the doctor for a while.
Around 8:00am they turned up my pitocin.
Around 9:00 my midwife, Shakira, came in and broke my water. At this point I was around 3 cm dilated. This is when everything changed very quickly. My pain level went from a 1 to an 8 within 3 contractions. It was so intense I wasn't sure what I was going to do. I kept debating whether to try Stadol or just get the epidural.
About this time Brian's mom came in briefly but I was in so much pain so she didn't stay in the room long. She never left the hospital that day though just waiting for Baby B to arrive!
Around 10:15 the pain was so intense I just couldn't take it anymore. After talking with Brian and my Mom who both told me that I needed to do what was best...I asked for the epidural.
Little did I know that it would take over and hour and a half to get it!!! That was the worst hour and a half...they wanted me to sit on the edge of the bed so I would be ready when the anesthesiologist got there. Too bad that is the worst position to sit in when you are having contractions every 2 minutes! I was in so much pain and really don't think I would have gotten through it if it hadn't been for Brian and my mom.
I finally was ready for the epidural which was much more painful than anyone had told me. The initial "numbing medicine" was way worse than the "sting and a pinch" like he said it was going to be! I also had 2 contractions while he was putting it in which was incredibly hard to stay still. Brian did such a god job talking me through them and getting me to hold still and stay calm.
Once the epidural was in my mom came back in the room and I felt relief immediately. Within 2 contractions I could no longer feel them. At this point they checked me again and I was now 6cm dilated. They said it would take at least another 4 hours before I would be fully dilated and then it would take between 1-3 hours to push.
Everyone kept telling me to get some sleep but I couldn't really...I was just so excited!!! Brian's Mom came back in for a bit and we all just sat around chatting a bit. Around 2:30 something felt different so finally after some convincing, the nurse checked me again and Baby B was right there and I was fully dilated. Our moms went to the waiting room for the delivery.
Shakira came in and everything was set up...I started pushing at 2:44.
We told Shakira that we wanted Brian to announce what the baby's gender was and she agreed.
After being told I was awesome at pushing and laughing with everyone in between contractions, Baby B was born at 2:54!!!
I knew the gender right away by the way that Shakira lifted her up and put her on my chest but poor Brian couldn't see it. I was so overcome with emotion that I started crying! Brian finally said well what is it??? I was able to get out...
I really couldn't believe it and I was so excited to be able to say that we had a beautiful daughter named...
Willa Mae
Born: March 26, 2013 at 2:54pm
Weighed: 7 lbs 14 oz
Length: 20 1/2 inches
Big girl 37 weeks 5 days!
Cleaned up a little bit!!
Daddy holding Willa for the first time!
First family photo!!!
Holding my little one again!
Brian went out and told our moms...they were really excited. They came back after I nursed her for the first time.
Mimi (my mom) holding her for the first time!
Nana (Brian's mom) holding her for the first time!
GDad (my dad) and Pappy (Brian's dad) holding Willa!
They both got to the hospital around 5:30 which was so exciting!
Willa's first bath...she hated it!!! This was the only time she really cried!
Hanging out on Mommy's bed!!
So that is all for now...we have had so many visitors and I will do another post soon!