Wednesday, February 27, 2013

34 Week Update

How far along: 34 Weeks (6 more to go!!)
Development: Baby B is now almost 5 pounds and 18 inches long!
Movement: Lots of movement and they are very strong. Baby B likes to scare me!
Weight Gain: I should be around 18 lbs this week.
Maternity Clothes: Most everything..the sweater dress I actually have on in this weeks picture is not. I am loving loose clothes right now.
Stretch Marks: Not that I know of. I keep checking becuase I feel like they should be coming! Hoping they stay away!
Best moment of my week: Touring the hospital was fun and has put me at ease as to what to expect. It is nice knowing where to go and what the procedure will be for check in. 
Worst moment: Sleeping is still a struggle
Sleep: See is still bad most nights. BEtween my tummy, hips and back something always seems to hurt and wake me up.
Miss Anything: Sleeping through the night and also not having aches and pains constantly. I didnt realize how good I have felt up until this point.
Food Cravings: Milk, Oreos, fruit,
Aversions: most meat
Gender: Won't know until April!!!
Symptoms: Hip pain, swelling, feeling big, insomnia
Labor signs: Some Braxton Hicks still but nothing consistent
Belly Button: Still in for now...still bulging at the top though!
Rings: On but really tight...I think I am going to have to keep them off for the remainder of this pregnancy.
Moody or Happy:  Happy most of the time...very tired alot and when I'm tired I get  a little cranky.
Looking Forward: Shopping for our hospital bag items this weekend and starting to get it together. Doctors appointment on Monday and anxious to see how baby is doing!
Here is a lovely comparison for you too!!! Amazing what our bodies can do! How foolish was I to think I was "showing" at 16 weeks!!!

Friday, February 22, 2013

33 Week Update

How far along: 33 Weeks (47 days until due date...freaking out a little bit)
Development:  Baby is over 4 lbs and around 17 inches long!
Movement: Tons and is so constant and is getting really strong! It takes my breath away sometimes and it is really keeping me up at night. I love this little one so but Mama needs a break sometimes!
Weight Gain: 16 lbs!! Doctor is really happy with it as I am on the low end for weight gain! Hoping it stays this way!
Maternity Clothes: everything...getting really tired of what I have too! My yoga pants are going to start making appearances outside of the house I think. Nothing else is comfortable anymore!
Stretch Marks: None ...I do have a couple blood vessels that you can see under my skin but no red marks!
Best moment of my week: Baby shower this weekend and spending time with my mom, sister & niece. We had a wonderful time! Baby B was spoiled like crazy! We have awesome friends and family! 
Worst moment: Sleeping...I will explain below. 
Sleep: So I maybe get an hour of sleep at night I feel like. I just can't get comfortable and I tend to have Braxton Hicks at night now too. I literally cry sometimes because I am so tired but just can't get to sleep! I didnt want to do this because I love my husband but I think I am going to have to start sleeping in the guest bedroom. I am going to try it tonight and see if I can get a little more sleep.
Miss Anything: Moving around freely and wearing clothes without wanting to rip them off! Everything is so uncomfortable these days!
Food Cravings: Citrus fruits!
Aversions: Pretty much everything. I don't like to eat these days! Nothing really sounds good and I always feel crappy after I eat.
Gender: Won't know until April!!!
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks, crappy sleeping, swelling hands & feet, heartburn occassionally
Labor signs: Not other than a few BH's here and there.
Belly Button: Still in for now but it bulges now. It makes me laugh and baby likes to kick and push right at it so then it bulges even farther.
Rings:  Diamond is off and Band is still on. I think its daysa re numbered though.
Moody or Happy: Very happy other than at night.
Looking Forward:Touring the hospital on Sunday and getting pre registered for baby's birthday.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

32 Week Update

How far along: 32 Weeks
Development: I am guessing baby weighs around 4 lbs and is around 17 1/2 inches long! 
Movement: Lots of flipping and pushing. Nothing too crazy but it is pretty constant!
Weight Gain: Still righ around 16.5 pounds...I will know for sure on Monday at the Dr.
Maternity Clothes: Everything but comfy pants for the most part. Everything is uncomfortable these days!
Stretch Marks: None and I hope it stays that way...lotion is applied atleast once daily!
Best moment of my week: Setting up the pack n play downstairs! It is now a constant reminder that this baby is coming. We were cleaning up and decided we should go ahead and put it together so it is done.  
Worst moment: Nothing really..had one really bad night of sleeping but it has been okay since then. 
Sleep: Comes and goes...mornings are getting harder to go back to sleep once Brian leaves for work.
Miss Anything: Getting out of bed without groaning! It is so pathetic and porr Brian always gets worried in the middle of the night during potty breaks.
Food Cravings: Fruit still...I really don't like food right now. Nothing sounds that good and I can't eat much anyways or I feel sick. Snacking is getting me by.
Aversions:  Nothing
Gender: Won't know until April!!!
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks, swelling, backaches, the WADDLE, ligament pain!
Labor signs: Not for a while I hope...the Braxton Hicks are more frequent now but still nothing to worry about. Hoping they are just getting ready for the big day!
Belly Button: Still in for now but it is about to pop! The top likes to bulge these days.
Rings:  Getting tight...I couldn't wear them yesterday and shed a few tears over it. I know it is temporary. Today they are on but I think I may leave them off from now on because they are tight.
Moody or Happy: Very happy!!!
Looking Forward: My baby shower this weekend with friends & family! My mom, Katie & Emma are all coming on Friday. I am so looking forward to spending the weekend with them. I have another doctors appointment on Monday too!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

31 Week Update

How far along: 31 Weeks (only 9 more weeks to go!)
Development: Baby is over 16 inches long and is probably close to 4 lbs this week (should be 3.3 lbs)
Movement: lots of flipping and some kicking...larger movements now not little kicks anymore
Weight Gain:  16 lbs as of Friday!
Maternity Clothes: Mainly everything and even those are getting uncomfortable and tight!
Stretch Marks:  Still none to report thank goodnes...hoping it stays that way!
Best moment of my week: Doctors appointment on Friday was good and my due date is staying the same for now. I also washed a bunch of baby clothes this weekend!! Plus we got Brian a new car on Saturday! He now has a Daddy mobile that is safe and has a backseat! He is super excited!
Worst moment:  Heartburn has appeared! Last night was terrible and I fell asleep sitting up in bed. Hoping it doesn't last...maybe that PB&J wasn't a good choice.
Sleep: Still getting up multiple times a night...some nights are better than others.
Miss Anything: Full nights sleep. I really would love to sleep through the night just one more time before the baby comes. I know this won't happen but I wish I had enjoyed those nights a little more.
Food Cravings: PB&Js, baked Ziti, bubblegum popsicles and Oreo's & milk
Aversions: none really
Gender: Won't know until April!!! So looking forward to finding out if this little one is a boy or girl though! I wish I had more baby clothes...but I want to wait to know the gender. Shopping will be fun once the baby is here!
Symptoms: Heartburn, swollen feet at night, back pain, round ligament pain, constant urination
Labor signs: Not for a long time I hope.
Belly Button: Still in for now but getting very close to popping!
Rings: On for now...I have to constantly check them though, some days I am more swollen than others!
Moody or Happy:  Happy...I am so excited we are getting closer to meeting this little one. I love looking into the nursery every morning and knowing it won't be much longer.
Looking Forward: Relaxing weekend getting my house in order. My mom, sister & Emma are coming next weekend so I want to get things picked up for them. My baby shower is next Saturday which I am so looking forward to!!!!