So this was the last pregnancy photo I took. It was a total joke because I felt so bad and HUGE. I sent this to my mom the morning of Monday March 25 with the caption " Can it get any bigger?? I'm starting to get worried!"
I never thought at the time that it would be the last time going to work and that the next day we would be meeting our baby!
I had felt really bad all weekend, being nauseous and faint and the swelling had gotten worse. I thought my blood pressure may have been off but wasn't sure. I went to work that day where everyone told me I looked off. I had an appointment at 4:10 so I got there a little early and as I was sitting in the waiting room, Brian surprised me by coming to the appointment. I am so glad that he was there with me as everything unfolded. When we went back the nurse was worried about the fact I was feeling sick and after taking my blood pressure we knew why. It was very elevated for me so after the midwife came back we tried again and it was still high. After she left us alone for a bit where Brian and I were joking around it was still high. She decided we needed to head over to labor and delivery to be monitored and hopefully it would come down some.
After a few hours and being told many different things it was finally decided around 10:45pm that we would be induced that night and having a baby the next day!!!
My mom hopped in the car and drove through the night. Brian had to go home and get all of our bags and take care of Daisy.
That night Brian and I barely slept because we were so excited and I also had to get all set up for the next day. We got the IV all set up and the low dose pitocin started that night. Mom got to the hospital around 5:30!!!
More of the birth story coming soon...
How far along: 37 weeks 5 days
Development: Babycenter said she should weigh about 6.8 pounds and she's over 19 1/2 inches long! She was 7 pound 14 ounces and 20 1/2 inches long!!!
Movement: Lots of movement and stretching at the end...you could tell she was running out of room!
Weight Gain: 28 pounds!!
Maternity Clothes: Everything for the most part...clothes were the enemy at this point!
Stretch Marks: None when I went in to the hospital but my body was teasing me...due to the drastic change when she was born I now have a lovely collection of stretch marks!! They are totally worth it though!
Best moment of my week: Meeting baby Willa!!!
Worst moment: Feeling so sick that weekend!
Sleep: None at all really...I was so uncomfortable and not feeling good at all!
Miss Anything: I was really ready to feel normal again.
Food Cravings: Wasn't really eating!
Aversions: Everything...I felt so sick!
Gender: We know now that IT IS A GIRL!!!
Symptoms: weighs about 6.8 pounds and she's over 19 1/2 inches long
Labor signs: contractions all weekend! I thought they were just Braxton Hicks but they were early contractions.
Belly Button: Stayed in the whole time!! Yay!
Rings: They didn't get back on until 10 days postpartum!!
Moody or Happy: I was so happy that we were going to meet her soon!!! Her Birth day was the best day of my life for sure!
Looking Forward: Raising this sweet baby girl!
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