My Dear Willa,
Oh my little girl! How you have rocked our world! I never knew I could love someone so much! I have so many important people in my life that I love deeply but nothing compares to the love I have for you! You amaze me everyday and have brought me joy I never knew you could experience. You can make me smile and cry instantaneously! You have gotten so big in just a short month! You are more alert too. I am so happy with our little routine and am dreading going back to work. As scary as it will be you have already shown us that you are resilient and I know you will have so much fun one day with all the other kids at daycare. Our days are filled with snuggles and cuddles and now smiles here and there. Your Daddy loves you so much too and comes running through the door to get to you. I never thought I could love your Daddy any more than I did before you were here but to see him be your Daddy has made me love him so much more. He is so gentle with you and worries about you constantly. I know he is so scared of you being a teenager which makes me chuckle. I know you will be sweet little girl even at the age of 16! You have made us so happy and I can't wait to see what the future holds for you. It is a big world out there but I want you to always know you will be safe at home with us!
I love you sweet girl...more than you will ever know(until you have your own children)!
Your Mama
Weight/Height: 9lbs 14 oz & 23 inches
Health: Got a perfect report!
Social: Starting to smile at Mommy & Daddy!
Diet: Exclusively Mama's milk!! YAY!
Clothes: 0-3 month
Mama’s Favorites: Smiles, Snuggles in the morning, looking for me when you hear my voice!
Crying: Very little...only when you are really tired or want your paci. Sometimes when we get you out of the bathtub too because you like it so much!
Sleep: You are such a good sleeper!! You just started giving us a good 6 hour stretch from 9pm-3am!
Baby Likes: Activity mat, bouncer, bath time
Postpartum: Down to my pre-pregnancy weight...have about 10 more to go!
Milestones: Rolled from tummy to back at 1 month exactly
Best of times: Meeting most of the family, Going to Mommy's work, mornings in bed!
Worst of times: None really, You are such a good baby. You are easily consolable and are content most of the time.
Wearing my very first onesie!! |
Playing with Brady! |