So I haven't posted in a while and I guess it is because there hasn't been much to post about! We have been trudging along this week just like every other. I feel like I am just living for Friday at 5:00pm every week. I just want to have those next 2 days at home! Not that we ever stay at home for 2 days which is maybe why I am always feeling like I NEED this weekend. But we are not going to be home yet again this weekend! We were invited to Solomans Island again with the Young's. We are really excited since it is HOT out now (really it is going to be 102 on Friday) since it was cooler the last time we went. We just love getting to spend time with the Young's they are like another extension of our family. So I am sure I will be posting next week with some fun pictures!
I have also been busy planning my friend Cassie's bridal shower with her mom and sister. It is so much fun! I have never gotten to do this before so I tend to get a little carried away and I am sure I have truely annoyed her mom by now! (Sorry Mrs. Simpson if you are reading this!) Cassie and I have become quick friends, we met only a year ago at a mutual friends bachelorette party and Cassie was 7 months pregnant. Of course me and LOVING babies she and I really hit it off and we have been close ever since. I adore her kids and of course her fiance Justin but she is amazing! I am so excited to be apart of their wedding and it has been so much fun getting to throw a good ole Southern style shower for my bestie! I will post lots of pictures later next month after the shower! So thats about it. I am looking forward to hopefully having a visit from my Mom, Katie, and Emma in early August. I know Emma is dying to come up and we are excited to be able to show her our new house. It seems so sad she doesn't get to be apart of the big things sometimes. But it makes the times she is here even better! I am sure she will have me get stuff to make homemade doughnuts and she seemed very excited to know we have an island in the kitchen where "she can make a really big mess." I can only imagine what that means!
Well love to all and I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL weekend that you have been living for. Relax and breathe and enjoy the people you love!
Love to all from MD!
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3 months ago
:) yay so happy to finally become a part of your famous blogs :) your friendship has been a blessing to me to say the least and I am so happy your helping me out with every aspect of my wedding! Not to mention the fact that you'll be standing by me on my big day :) I love you gf!!!! -cassie