Monday, October 31, 2011

It's not Winter YET!!

So we had a pretty interesting weekend here in Maryland! We had SNOW...and not just a couple flakes or a dusting but like 5 inches!
This one was taken around 2:00
By 4:00 we had this much!
It snowed hard until about 8:00pm then it tapered off. It was fun to say the least and it gave Brian and I a reason to STAY home and relax!
I was very thankful to have some us time and we really had a fun weekend watching football! We did get out yesterday for a bit and walked around the mall and also made a Wal-mart run to look at tires for my car! Yay...NOT! This is something we had been dreading!
Any way...there isn't much else going on around here. I won't be seeing much of my husband for the next 2 weeks while rut is in here since that means he will be hunting every night. Hopefully he will FINALLY get one!
Much love to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh I never see snow living in Fl! Ha. Love your blog, over from Kelly's Korner. New follower!
