Wednesday, November 7, 2012

18 Week Update

How far along: 18 Weeks
Development: Baby is 5 1/2 inches from head to rump and around 7 ounces
Movement: Feeling more movement and got the first kick or jab yesterday.
Weight Gain: Not sure but hoping I have puton another pound or two 
Maternity Clothes: Love them still and just ordered a few more pairs of maternity pants.
Stretch Marks: None and I hope it stays that way!
Best moment of my week: Feeling the baby more and getting the first real kick. 
Worst moment: None at all. I realy am enjoying everything.
Sleep: Not as well this week. I get up at night to go to the bathroom but then the baby stays really active and I have a hard time going back to sleep.
Miss Anything: None at all!!!
Food Cravings: Chocolate and anything salty.
Aversions: None aymore 
Gender: Won't know until April!!!
Symptoms: Some round ligament pain when I cough or sneeze
Labor signs: Not for a long time!
Belly Button: Still in for now
Rings: Only my wedding band for now...they are so loose!!!
Moody or Happy: Very happy and enjoying every moment.
Looking Forward: I can't wait for more defined movement and my new maternity pants to be delivered!



  1. Yay! So glad you linked up on the blog! I'm going to feature your post next week! Make sure you add a little link back (just a rule the girls made!) so that it's legit and not just because your my LIFE LONG friend! :)

    You look beautiful!


  2. Congratulations on your pregnancy! I love seeing the progression of the growing baby bump. So cute! Thanks for linking up!
