Thursday, March 21, 2013

37 Week Update


How far along: 37 Weeks (Baby is now considered full term!!! Can't wait to hold this little one...Mama is getting tired and BIG!)
Development: Baby should be around 6.5 lbs and 19 inches long
Movement: Still alot of movement...tossing and stretching for sure! Still getting the hiccups alot!! I guess we better get some Gripe water to have on hand for this little one!
Weight Gain: as of Monday I was at 22 lbs total gained (I lost a pound from the week before)
Maternity Clothes: Everything maternity and now I am just trying to get pants have their daily appearance and Brians shirts have become my pajamas!
Stretch Marks:  Still don't have any but worried at this point. This belly is REALLY getting stretched! Hoping none show up!
Best moment of my week: Finding out things are progressing on Monday! I am 1cm dilated so things are happening! We shall see how things keep up!! Hospital bags are packed and waiting!!!
Worst moment: Sleeping is bad again!
Sleep: It is really bad again...heartburn isn't bad but I am hurting all the time. This big belly is so sore all the time and sleeping just makes it worse!
Miss Anything: Moving around well and being able to do things for myself. Poor Brian helps me so much!
Food Cravings: None really...still not loving food.
Aversions: Everything!
Gender: Still don't know!!! Can't wait to find out though!
Symptoms: HUGE, swelling, heartburn, contractions.
Labor signs: Getting contractions but nothing consistent
Belly Button: Still in somewhat...
Rings:  Off :(
Moody or Happy: Very happy and ready to have this baby!!!
Looking Forward: Doctors appointment on Monday and ready for this baby to arrive...getting the house ready and picked up!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

36 Week Update

How far along: 36 Weeks!!! The end is in sight!
Development:  Baby B is around 6 lbs and 18 1/2 inches long! 
Movement: lots of movement and hiccups are happening atleast twice a day! This baby is still so active and gives me some good kicks!
Weight Gain: I'm up to 21 lbs gained!
Maternity Clothes: Pretty much everything...clothes are not my friend right now! Brians t-shirts and my maternity leggings are the only thing that are comfortable these days!
Stretch Marks:  No and I think we may make it to the end without one! The tummy is looking good these days and the lotion is keeping it moisturized!
Best moment of my week:  This weekend Mom came up to visit and we had a wonderful time and my co-workers threw me a baby shower! It was so much fun and I finally feel like this baby can come when it wants to. We still need to get the carseats installed and I need to officially pack the hospital bag but other than that I think we have everything we need!
Worst moment: No bad moments!!
Sleep: Better now that I am taking heartburn medicine! Zantac has saved my sanity!!! I didn't realize the heartburn was the major reason I wasn't sleeping but once it got to the point one night where I slept sitting up I knew somthing had to happen! I have slept 5-6 hour stretches since taking the Zantac!!
Miss Anything: Bedning over and getting out of bed EASILY! 
Food Cravings: none at all...nothing sounds good really!
Aversions: is not something I look forward to these days!
Gender: Still don't know! Can't wait to find out though!
Symptoms: Contractions, backaches, hip pain, heartburn, swelling.
Labor signs: COntractions are happening for sure. They are different now but not painful. I am hoping they are doing some good though!
Belly Button: Still in but not sure it will make it to delivery! It is so close and when I laugh or cough I am holding it at this point!
Rings:  I can still wear my wedding band most days but it is tight.
Moody or Happy:  I am very happy and I am really getting excited about Baby B coming! I am so ready to hold this little one and kiss its tiny little face!
Looking Forward: Getting the final things taken care of and packing the official hospital bag! Also next week we are comsidered full term so this baby can come at any time!!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

35 Week update


How far along: 35 Weeks 1 Day (34 days to go until our DUE DATE!!! AHHH!)
Development: Baby B is around 5 1/4 lbs and over 18 inches long
Movement: Lots of movement still, mainly squirming feelings like it is changing positions alot! Hiccups have become pretty regular this week is atleast once a day that I notice them but sometimes 3-4 times a day!
Weight Gain:  I was up to 18.8 lbs gained on Monday!
Maternity Clothes: Everything for the most part...down to a few things that actually fit anymore! I may start having to wear yoga pants to work!!!
Stretch Marks: None and I was complimented by the midwife on Monday how pretty my tummy is! I'm glad someone thinks is still weird to me! No stretch marks though!!
Best moment of my week: Doctors appt on Monday went well and baby sounded good. Looking forward to going every week now! We have the hospital bag stuff coming together and during our snow day yesterday I put baby's bag together! I can't wait!
Worst moment: Heartburn has reared its head! I was so hoping to avoid it and drinking milk has kept it at bay for a while now but it doesn't really help anymore. I am thinking I may have to start sleeping in Brians recliner!
Sleep: Still pretty unbearable! I can't get confortable and now the heartburn is really making it miserable. Only a few more weeks!!
Miss Anything: Not aching all the time...I really never realized how good I feel all the time. This pregnancy has made me very thankful!
Food Cravings: None...don't really like food right now!
Aversions:  Everything...nothing sounds good at all!
Gender: Won't know until April!!!
Symptoms: Heartburn, braxton hicks/real contractions, backache, swelling, round ligament pain
Labor signs: Getting some real contractions now...usually a few a day but nothing consistant!
Belly Button: Still in for now...I am hoping we make it these next few weeks!
Rings: Off for good...until the baby comes atleast!! They were just getting too tight and I didn't want to risk having them cut off!
Moody or Happy:  Happy for the most part! It feels good knowing we will be meeting baby soon! I just want to get to 37 weeks and then I will be perfectly okay with he/she coming at any time!!!
Looking Forward: Doctors appointment on Monday and my baby shower at work is on Wednesday! Brian and I are also heading down to Bass Pro Shop on Saturday and will do a little shopping at the mall while we are there!