Thursday, March 14, 2013

36 Week Update

How far along: 36 Weeks!!! The end is in sight!
Development:  Baby B is around 6 lbs and 18 1/2 inches long! 
Movement: lots of movement and hiccups are happening atleast twice a day! This baby is still so active and gives me some good kicks!
Weight Gain: I'm up to 21 lbs gained!
Maternity Clothes: Pretty much everything...clothes are not my friend right now! Brians t-shirts and my maternity leggings are the only thing that are comfortable these days!
Stretch Marks:  No and I think we may make it to the end without one! The tummy is looking good these days and the lotion is keeping it moisturized!
Best moment of my week:  This weekend Mom came up to visit and we had a wonderful time and my co-workers threw me a baby shower! It was so much fun and I finally feel like this baby can come when it wants to. We still need to get the carseats installed and I need to officially pack the hospital bag but other than that I think we have everything we need!
Worst moment: No bad moments!!
Sleep: Better now that I am taking heartburn medicine! Zantac has saved my sanity!!! I didn't realize the heartburn was the major reason I wasn't sleeping but once it got to the point one night where I slept sitting up I knew somthing had to happen! I have slept 5-6 hour stretches since taking the Zantac!!
Miss Anything: Bedning over and getting out of bed EASILY! 
Food Cravings: none at all...nothing sounds good really!
Aversions: is not something I look forward to these days!
Gender: Still don't know! Can't wait to find out though!
Symptoms: Contractions, backaches, hip pain, heartburn, swelling.
Labor signs: COntractions are happening for sure. They are different now but not painful. I am hoping they are doing some good though!
Belly Button: Still in but not sure it will make it to delivery! It is so close and when I laugh or cough I am holding it at this point!
Rings:  I can still wear my wedding band most days but it is tight.
Moody or Happy:  I am very happy and I am really getting excited about Baby B coming! I am so ready to hold this little one and kiss its tiny little face!
Looking Forward: Getting the final things taken care of and packing the official hospital bag! Also next week we are comsidered full term so this baby can come at any time!!!

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