Friday, August 16, 2013

CHECK ME OUT- Day in the Life

I know, I know...I am terrible about blogging!
I promise I will be back soon.
But in the meantime check me out on Melissa's blog today!


  1. Hi there! I shared my working momma post on Monday. I'm a MD girl (Frederick County), you've got a great routine started! I'm going to follow on Instagram!

    1. Hi Jessica!!! That is crazy...I live in Hagerstown and work in Frederick!

  2. Leslie- I feel like you could have written my working momma post! I have a daughter that was born January 18th. Our schedules are so similar- even our days at work including pumping! Glad I found your blog from Melissa's!

    1. That is so awesome to know that my day isn't super crazy then I guess!! I will follow you to hear how other pumping moms are doing!! If you have any tricks I would love to hear! I am taking Fenugreek right now to try to boost my supply. Willa take 3 5oz bottles while I am at work and I am barely making enough for the next day.
