So I stole this idea from another blogger but I wanted to start this so that our family and friends and keep track of us. In this busy world it is so hard to have full time jobs and keep a marriage stable. It just never seems that we can find the time to call everyone we need to as often as we need to so here it is. You can track our every move, see pictures, and have a little insight into our day to day lives. My goal is to post once a week! Hopefully on Mondays so that I can keep up with it only a week at a time. Brian and I are so busy and seem to be going all the time. Whether it is being with friends, family, going to NC, or just spending time together it is always something.
I am learning that being a wife is not as easy as you would think. I am lousy at cleaning the kitchen (my dad could have told me that one, I never brought my cups out the kitchen at home) and I absolutely detest doing laundry! But I am getting better and I am lucky to have a somewhat understanding husband. So things around our little apartment get pretty piled up! Good thing we have cleaning days and I get caught back up.
I think this is why Brian is a little hesitant about us moving into a bigger townhouse...yes you heard me right! I moved to Maryland on March 5th (I think) into what is now our apartment. But now that we live so far from my family we get lots of visitors and have realized that our 2 bedroom/2 bath apartment just isn't quite big enough so we are moving! March 4th 2011 we are moving into a townhouse somewhere in Hagerstown more than likely. That is the only real news we have rigth now. So...I am heading out this weekend on the big search! Wish me luck!
Well I think this is about enough for today and I should probably get back to work...
Will post again soon!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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