How far along: 23 Weeks (actually 23 weeks 2 days today)
Development: More than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pounds, about the siza of a large mango
Movement: tons and tons!!! This baby loves to dance around. The majority of movement is during the day at work and at night when I am laying in bed. Brian still has not been able to feel it, but he can see my stomach moving all the time!
Weight Gain: Right around 10 pounds...we will know on the 28th at my next doctors appt.
Maternity Clothes: Pants for sure and I am needing more maternity tops. All of my shirts are getting too short! I asked for some maternity shirts for Christmas!!!
Stretch Marks: None and I hope it stays that way!
Best moment of my week: Feeling this baby more and more. I love the constant reminder that Baby Bear is happy and growing!
Worst moment: Sleep...the tossing and turning is really annoying. I have never been a bad sleeper so it is really frustrating for me.
Sleep: See above!
Miss Anything: Nothing at all!
Food Cravings: Chocolate milk, italian ices!
Aversions: none really
Gender: Won't know until April!!!
Symptoms: tight belly, round ligament pain, charlie horses in my calfs.
Labor signs: Not for a long time!
Belly Button: Still in for now but getting more flush with my tummy.
Rings: On!!!
Moody or Happy: I am so happy. Sometimes so happy I just cry! I am so excited about this baby! The movement and nudges make me want to cry every time. I have wanted this for so long and really trying to enjoy every second of being pregnant.
Looking Forward: I am so looking forward to spending this weekend in Boone with my family and watching my little brother graduate from college. I am sure I will be an emotional mess.
I am also looking forward to Christmas and making memories with our families.