So today is 9 fears...I know I can think of 9 fears. I guess we all have our own fears so we better just embrace them.
1. I am so scared of something happening to someone in my family and I can't get to NC fast enough. That was a big deal for me when I had to make the choice to move to be with Brian or lose Brian and stay in NC. After my brother in law was in a bada ccindent a couple years ago it made me realize how this crazy things happen and then you can't get there fast enough. I know though at any moment I can hop in a car and be there in 6 hours.
2. I am so scared of something happening to Brian. I don't know what I would do! I feel like I depend on him so much and I can't imagine my life without him in it.
3. I am scared of snakes (but not as bad as Brian).
4. I am afraid of raw chicken! I hate it and it grosses me out and I am always scared that I am going to give someone e-coli or salmonella(whichever one you get from chicken).
5. I am afraid of cats...I love dogs but I don't like how unpredictable cats are. I am always scared they are going to pounce on me and bite me!
6. I am afraid of losing my relationship with Emma since I am not there all the time now. But I am working on this and I try to do as much as I can.
7. I am afraid of having a baby. As much as I want one I am scared I either won't be able to get pregnant or I will be a horrible mother or something. I am also really scared about being a working mom because my mom was always there with us. I wish so much I could do this but we don't live in a work that makes that very practical.
8. I am scared of bugs...especially BIG bugs! We have these crazy moths here that FREAK me out! I don't like things that look like birds!
9. I am deathly afraid of CROWS! I guess that movie The Birds really got to me and I hate when there are like 10 of them on a line or in a yard. I feel like they are all going to come after me at once!
So that's it for today!
Love from MD...Les
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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