So here is goes. I will be blogging for the next 10 days! This seemed fun so I thought I would do it too!
So today is 10 Secrets! This seems hard but at the same time kinda fun!
1. I really want a baby but I think it is just because everyone around me has babies or is pregnant! I am slowly embracing the fact that now is not the best time. Thank goodness I have a husband who is very realistic whereas I really like to live in la la land sometimes! I guess it is good that we balance each other out!
2. I really miss my family! Not that this is really a secret and it's not that I don't love living in MD and being here but I really miss the little things! I miss not being there when Emma gets home from her first day of school or going to pick her up from afterschool. I miss coffee and Sleepy Poet dates with my Mom and sister. I miss hanging out with my brother when he is home from school and I miss suprising my Dad at work. I know someday I will have all of that again and I am grateful for all these memoires I had before I moved but I do miss it.
3. My dog is my world! I know it is so silly but I really worry about her all the time and when she doesn't lay with me on the couch or when she goes to Brian instead of me I get really offended. I think she knows this though and thinks its really funny. I don't know what I will do when that day comes because she is the best!
4. I hate doing dishes and laundry. Brian knows this is no secret but I really do hate to do them. I guess this is typically why they are the only 2 things to make my house look like a mess. I always seem to wash the dishes and let them lay on my counter "drying" for 4 days and I always seem to do the laundry and fold it then put it on the bench in our room and it will lay there until I wear it all again. Brian really dislikes this about me.
5. I don't like wearing shoes. I take them off under my desk all day at work, I take them off when I drive and you will never see me in my house with shoes on. I like to be barefoot! I don't like wearing socks so that always poses a problem in the winter. But I really like to be barefoot.
6. My niece is one of the best things that ever happened to me! I really wish I had a picture on my computer of the day that she was born. I will rememember that day FOREVER! She had my heart the second I laid eyes on her. She inspires me and makes me want to be a better person for her. I love when she calls to tell me something fun that she has done or to tell me that some country song made her think about me. I wish I could be there for her more. But atleast she always knows I am phone call away and that she can tell me ANYTHING! I can't wait til she is a teenager and has all kinds of fun things to call me about. I also can't wait until she has a little cousin because I know she is going to be so excited and will love our baby more than just a cousin does. She has such a sweet heart and loves so much! I know she knows I love her but I don't tell her enough so it is kind of a secret! ;)
7. I love broccoli and cauliflower!I could eat everyday all day! It never gets old to me!
8. I hate my handwriting. Everyone always says I have such pretty handwriting but I always think it looks horrible. I wish I took more time and that it looked my uniform. Just one of those weird things I guess!
9. I like to sit at home and watch movies and not do ANYTHING on weekends! Too bad Brian doesn't really like to do this. He will for part of the day but never the whole day. I would love one day for me to never get out of my pajamas!
10. I love being a wife! I guess Brian would even find this a secret because I don't say it enough but I like having a purpose. I like coming home from work everyday and knowing I have to make dinner. I like having goals and a purpose so I guess marriage is good for me. I enjoy always having Brian there and talking things through with him. It is good for me!
So that's all folks! I will be back tomorrow! Love from MD!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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